Ill Gotten Good
Once the whistle blows, we’re all men again.
- A Comedian
ABC’s of being a d-boy
- A Lyricist
Alt title: The Game Played Right
A continuous hummm
Pulsating beating coming forth
Perpetuality seeing its own end
keep being without
The odd thing about change is that it all came from one source. Like the evolution of life. At some point, it became something irrespective of the past. Autonomy — removed yet influencing what it’s not a part of. Do we consider the good done by evil? Can we accept the good gotten from evil without accepting the evil? What would it mean to accept evil if it’s not continued? Isn’t the resolution of evil good enough?
We could have gotten here by various means. We don’t know the means by which we got here. We know there’s only one mean. We argue which mean because of its implication on propensity.
We now try to frame the mean in such a way that encourages diversity, various conclusions. The mean itself is a formula that welcomes variables. As long as the conclusion consists of respect for everyone.