New Art
We have with this internet a new form.
It’s not poetry, essay, fucking thesis, or pamphlets.
It’s the back and forth of anonymity
I don’t care who you are in this dance, your ego is trivial
You fucking scum
Adorno’s dogma of what is and referencing it through insider loops
That dictate and establish meaning
While having them threatened by hijackers
Stop the hatred regardless of its ambition
Stop the feeling of uneasiness no matter its promise
The audience is innoculated against a disease and because of the safe harbor it would be unfair if the disease were to mutate any more
The disease would be immoral if it were to change and adapt
The audience must stay sane and safe
The anonymity must remain predictable and known
The ego dogmatized into being in such an expression that the existential realization is pre approved
A beaucrat's hedon
The new form must abide by an old form that didn’t exist until the new form came into being
Yet the new form can’t realize itself without offending the dogma of old that has just been born
Dare to imagine a new world only if it’s amicable to the old
We are the old and the new
We have existed since dawn but still must be handled as babes
We have birth rights
We have precedence
The science favors us
The world must change to accept our old ways
The new form is proof of that
It’s proof of these words
We must worship the old because we have this anew