New Kind of Democracy for New Kind of People: On Redefining Transparency
alt title 1: What Should Be Googleable: On Who’s To Say?
alt title 2: Right to Know: On What Insight Do We Owe Others Through the Tribulating Gaze of Pragmaticically Pyrrhonic Teenage Rebellion
alt title 3: On Shedding Old Labels and Existing As Something Else: On The Next Humans
alt title 4: The Golding Age of the Extinction and the Very Real Possibility of Surviving as a Cyborg-Hybrid
Disclaimer: So the title should be abstract but a valid interpretation, as the topic of LGBTQIA+ is discussed, can be seen as calling LGBTQIA+ people as “new kind of people.” This isn’t what I mean. LGBTQIA+people have always existed. But a new social reception is expected that wasn’t the standard before where everyone is expected to treat people that identify as LGBTQIA+ as everyone else. Which means to be sensitive to LGBTQIA+ people’s own circumstances while still expecting something from them. A democracy holds a responsibility over everyone and everyone must act in a democratically-functional way for the democracy to run as expected by everyone else.
Each person is owed a certain privacy and how that privacy is respected is part of how the democracy functions. Democracy also expects, that within each person’s own privacy, there is an integrity of citizen that plays a ethical role in how that person invests time in their own privacy.
School, for example, gives students a habit of taking their time to reflect, learn to learn, and also learn certain objective knowledge that humans have collectively enough have agreed on, taken as true and find worth repeating for everyone’s betterment.
For reasons, some knowledge is controversial. Evolution and safe sex are objected by some that are part of the democracy but they continue to agree on other aspects of our democracy. There’s a transparency of sorts where we know some people don’t believe in evolution. The transparency doesn’t bother democracy as much as it bothers people with an understanding of scientific inquiry and scrutiny, and so democracy goes on.
There’s other forms of transparency. Usually government intelligence is compartmentalized via levels of access but that it is compartmentalized is transparent. What’s behind that compartmentalization is anyone’s guess but democracy doesn’t need to know necessarily. It goes on.
In the philosophical sense, transparency can be related to the Other. That may include people of different races, beliefs, sexuality, but it also includes whoever your neighbor is or your sibling or guardian. The Other is an ingrained interpretation that comes from within the individual as soon as the individual sees a person. When the individual sees themselves in the mirror, the interpretation makes the person making the judgment something ingrained.
We respect this biological phenomena to different degrees. When we invite the Other to dinner, we expect them to behave a certain way. As long as they behave within that stage, we will perform for them with more autonomy since it is our home. The Other’s own automony will be guided by their comfort, but all within a certain boundary that allows the democracy to function.
How this knowledge spread is a gossip and, now in this burgeoning new democracy, direct communication with an emphasis on non-toxicity.
The problem is that the new democracy is rising because of an increasing violation of the old democracy. The old democracy rotted from those that feared the universal foundation of democracy’s epistemology. They cowered toward willful ignorance. Corrupted scholastic knowledge and organic skepticism.
The Other forms when we react. As our reaction changes, the Other changes. As the Other starts to changes before us, we react to them and they form us. A natural rhythm becoming discordant from a breaking tension between the individual that reacts and the Other.