Prosaic script: Unstructured Predefinition or Unstructured Chaos or Structured Chaos
And I’ll write to you, my dear. Though I ain’t no scholar.
- Peggotty
If we want to delude ourselves through redemption and re-beginnings
Of a want that reforms our love in a more deserving world
A demand is met that we must not judge
Since the reformation does away with the standing of judgment
As holding on to old dogma while seeking new light serves to shield what may be ailing, or the root of it
A new world will account for contingency without having to fear out of necessity
Having fear as a threat only leads to the same mistakes being made
An evolution would mean to make new mistakes, let go of old fear, getting out of the water and into land, getting out of the land and into trees, leaping from trees and floating in the sky
Then we cannot believe in certain things, certain things cannot be thought
To reach back into the manifold and pull a rabbit out, or a whole new world
To reach in knowing we won’t be coming back
To know that something will