Realpolitik and the Pseudovacuum of our Consciousness
Realpolitik is real shit you can’t change.
Autonomy is moving freely.
How can you move freely in a political environment you can’t change?
The first step is an agreement with ourselves. We’re born moving wildly and without direction. At this early stage, our reactions are based on raw correlations with the real world. These raw correlations that our bodies form with the outside world are somehow a part of co-emerging biological functions that have “automatic” responses.
It’s theorized that language helps contribute to the outside world in such a way that our inside world, “our” responses, creates a unique sense that we call self-awareness.
It’s like the smell of a wine up close but the smell is us. The smell is a real world substance made up of matter but its only significance comes from being part of a greater whole that includes an experience emerging from the biological functions that make up of functional bodies.
Talking about the smell, however, becomes problematic because we each experience the smell in our own individual way. The way in which our bodies react to experience becomes political.
This is the area of epistemology. Knowledge, truth, deception become substances made up of matter but their significance is only experienced through our own reaction.
Our reaction to “objective experience” (epistemology) creates a weird moment in self-awareness where pretense is created. This pretense is where our ego exists. Pretense is made up of apprehension from having experienced something before and wanting our reaction to contribute to the experience is such as way that we experience or create an objective reality where our desires become true.
There’s a direct example of this in science. Our experience of self-awareness creates an understanding that is unique to us based on what we consider “insider knowledge.” We instinctively “know” stuff from mere experience. The same way the general human autonomy is repetitive from millions of years of experiencing evolution. A core function reproduces to a state of being that is universal. That is, a universal function made up of infinitely smaller functions existing strictly and necessarily influencing one another (ie, not in a vacuum).
In science, studies and experiments are carried out to create pseudovacuums that are free or aren’t tainted by the real world, objective reality.
These experiments mimics our self-awareness in seeing themselves as pseudovacuums. Self-awareness experiences itself outside reality in a “dream” world where the self-awareness is aware of its own creativity and how its creativity is somehow distinct from the greater creation that is the universe.
Self-awarness comes around and realizes its own dependence on the universe and it asks itself, “Am I truly free moving?”
No. Why? To move is to carry a universal consequence and each movement costs a consequence. Our movements come with a cost. And this cost becomes part of the economy of the realpolitiks.
Who we are is determined by an agreement we have with ourselves that exists between the objective reality and the dream world of our wants/hunger.
Realpolitik is that some of us are physically beautiful and some of us physically repulsive. Some of us live in cold weather, some of us live in hot weather. Some of us live near a coast, some of us live in the mountains.
A lot of factors determine how far we can venture into the dream world, moving freely, without the real world holding us back. Calculating this factor into who we become as social humans determines our reaction to the world in a political way.
Here the individual experiences questions they can only answer in a sewing shut of the dream world into reality. In the moment, in the now, our reactions are automated. Automating pretense, our reactions become creations of our calculations. Our ego somehow is able to walk around in the automated world because it defines the world in its own subjectivity.
In a social gathering, this subjectivity is consistently validated and allowed/permitted to exist with the consent of every other person experiencing the same pretense.
The deep-seated unknowngableness of objective reality is kept at bay with each validation. Our confidence grows, and we walk freely in our dream world. Validated by others, it becomes an emerging function displaying its power and might in a substance made up of matter.