Sets, Elements, Operators
I have a hard time playing video games but I’ll use it to illustrate some things. The emergence of it is creepy so I’m biased against video games. I hate them. But I don’t hate you. So if you’re a gamer, don’t take offense.
On sets, I’m not a mathematician. The most I have is a high school education regarding math. And that’s American high school; so really it’s like an 8th grade education of math. So if you’re a mathematician, please don’t take any offense.
Everyone else, go suck a dick
God forgive me for my brash delivery.
But I remember vividly what these streets did to me
- Jay Z
- 0) Thesis
- 1) Maps and Functions
- 2) Trivial/Nontrivial — On Variables.
- 3) Sets
- 4) Emergence — On Elements
- 5) The Idiot
- 6) On The Good as Element or an Operator
0) Thesis
First of all, it’s all bullshit. Which seems to be true regardless of outcome.
The world seems to be an outcome of occurrences. Meaning that stuff happens and we become aware of it; where us becoming aware of it is part of the stuff that is happening.
What happens is based on the interaction of substances that are a part of this Reality.
So our body is the product of stuff happening and resulting in whatever we are.
We can create a mimicry of this song and dance in abstract representation. This is begging the question, however, because what was just stated, what’s going on in your head and what’s happening now is not as abstract representation. It’s really what’s happening. You belief this is in abstract representation and this belief carries you into a world of pure imagination. A world where there’s such a thing as free will, your mother’s love and God.
There are people that tell you that this journey into the abstract is make belief. An evolutionary illusion to keep biological machines from killing themselves in order to escape a void of meaning. To make up for the void of meaning, something biological machines, ones aware enough, realize is the only valid fuel for life, something happened within the wiring of the biological animal that made reception to senses logically associated with a greater interest in the value of process rather than the process itself.
Meaning that animals live and died, but the ones smart enough to think before they died found no reason not to die. The Universe realized its mistake and created some sort of meaning to keep the mind busy until the Universe was ready to off your ancestors. And now we’re here fucking sequestered against this Universe? The same fucking Universe that is operating all these cogs in my biological body through its consistently-led mode of operation? Fuck it and fuck any Stockholm syndrome bitch that just willingly accepts this.
1) Map
Mapping is used in Set theory to map one set to another. But I’ll use it for arithmetic (which is wrong).
Let’s say that 2 + 2 X 2 = 6
Because of order of operation, we first multiply (2 x 2) and then add (2 +)
So I would say this is an example of mapping in the way I’m using it. I don’t know what a mathematician would say and it’s probably for the best.
Oh, and if you wanna throw in video games in here. Then you’re a biological Set of functions and the video game is a mechanical Set of loops. The way you map to the video game so that there’s a relationship between the two of you is that you map the buttons you touch with the action going on in the video game. The conclusion is you playing a video game.
The sequence in which you press the buttons influences how the game progresses, etc.
If math is condensed to numbers and variables that act as element lubricating and causing operators to function, then we can say that math is concerned about how number and variables relate to one another based on the operators.
The same can be said of the universe. We’re just elements and variables being pushed towards the future based on an energy released from the big bang 14 billion years ago.
Thus we can say that the energy/force from the big bang is propelling the way the elements and variables map to one another. The reason mapping is important is because the Aristotelian world function on a basis of Holism.
Thus we say that you and I are elements of this Reality. But you and I are just a composition (set) of other working parts that can be further divided to sets.
The holism here is that for anything to operate within the universe needs components and the definition of this thing is defined by its components and how they relate. For example:
Davidson argues that because the language is compositional, it is also holistic: sentences are based on the meanings of words, but the meaning of a word depends on the totality of sentences in which it appears. That holistic constraint, along with the requirement that the theory of truth is law-like, suffices to minimize indeterminacy just enough for successful communication to occur.
The Aristotelian aspect of this is that fundamentally, each holistic system is maintained by elements that have plateaued.
Here I like to different between quantum and qualia. For an element to have plateaued means that the element has properties within the system that require the element to be defined in the way it is defined. The element cannot go back. Thus a qualitative part of the universe creates a dualistic value in the disguise of a quantum (or an element). Whereas quantum mechanic wants to treat the entire holistic enterprise of the Universe as one element (remember this is bullshit)
This is extremely important for anything and everything because this establish Identity. And really, Identity is the name of the game. What is Identity? An element that within its confines behaves like itself. It’s begging the question.
2) Trivial/ Non-Trivial — On Variables
If we’re considering how we’re all elements within the universe we meet two points intersecting:
- either we’re values within a computation that is just being computed right now without any input of our will (which means our Will is trivial)
- or we’re values within a computation that can change the results of the computation (which means our Will is non-trivial)
If our Will is trivial, then we shouldn’t take it into consideration. But our own internal computation takes it into consideration.
If our Will is non-trivial, then there exists with the domain of the Universe, trivial and non-trivial elements. Please note that this could also be an illusion.
Assuming it’s not an illusion, an example is the Universe itself. Andromeda is an element of the Universe but it seems trivial to our lives here on Earth (for the time being).
If we can alter triviality between non-triviality of a system, then we’re able to influence the system to a greater capacity.
Now, if there is a change of state between trivial and non-triviality, it must occur somewhere. My theory (remember, bullshit) is that, if the Universe is a system, then it must host latency.
Three example: — The Lion — The Italian — The Bodega
Let’s take a little trip to the Boogie Down.
- The Lion
You go to the Bronx zoo and there’s a lion behind the cage. You see him. What’s trivial and what’s non-trivial?
You go Africa and you’re wondering around the Savannah being all sneaky and stuff and all of the sudden there’s a lion right in front of you. What’s trivial and what’s non-trivial?
- The Italian
You’re walking around the Bronx zoo and you accidentally bump into an Italian-American and you can tell because they have that lovely Bronx accent.
Now, the Italian-Bronx accent as a concept is a union of various sets
The set of Italian as is it now contains words that are 2,000 years old and words like 70 years old. The connecting factor, what makes them equally non-trivial, is that they were incorporated into the Italian language.
Now you map the Italian language with the Bronx settings and you get the Italian-Bronx accent. Where!!!! The trivial and non-trivial again rearrange to make the holistic experience of a Bronx accent possible.
- The Bodega
After the zoo, you go to a bodega for a snack or a drink. This is a cultural hall center. For what culture?
Where it can be defined as one Bronx culture but this is trivializing the components of Bronx culture. Within Bronx culture you have subsets of cultures.
If all those cultures use the bodega as a cultural hall, then the value of the bodega changes between cultures while still being the same bodega. Again trivial and non-trivial factors either participating or not in its definition.
3) Sets
I don’t know how sets work. I don’t know what you do with them. I don’t know why you map them. But they seem cool and on wikipedia it says they’re used for computations.
Let’s say the Universe is a set, thus we’re creating a non-trivial element (the Universe) and it consist of the Universe we’re in. And then everything else in the Universe is also inside it; as trivial and non-trivial components. Although everything would be non-trivial? Maybe free will is an illusion.
4) Emergence — On Elements
Now, how do sets get elements?
The Universe, as the beginning, only had Hydrogen. Then Hydrogen got freaky with itself and we got Helium. And then some other freaky stuff happened that you’re too young to know about, but eventually they got Californium. But again, we don’t talk about how we got that one.
So there’s this Set that we call You
You = [……]
Now the elements, components and the operators that come together to create you of formed in the process of you maturing. From the outside, the elements that affect you range in age. Some elements, such as hydrogen, are billions of years old. Other elements, like the expression “cowabanga,” are much younger. Here you can see the concept of latency come into the play. Latency is like the magic hat the magician uses to pull out a rabbit. Everything that you can grasp, the garden of your ideology, has to enter your latent experience.
Thus “love,” “warmth” and “happiness” are elements you have to cultivate in order to function with them. Like the Universe did with Helium.
5) The Idiot
I went to lunch and came back and forgot why I wrote the idiot here. It might be referencing myself since I haven’t really talked about video games.
So video games come with a disc, right? Or you download the game or however you kids (and old ass mf) do. Regardless, video games are introduced as a set of elements and operators that guide the elements. You may think of this as hardware and software (or chemical and mathematical). These video games host a latent re-creation that you can exist within by you doing whatever you do to become an element of the video game relative to the context presented by the video game.
Scientist do the same with the universe but in reverse. They create a latent experience where they themselves are just an observer rather than an operator or element. Like closing a tent from the outside and then trying to peak inside. Then the scientists are perverts and create a transparent tent and are then offended when state of matter want some privacy. The galls of some people. I tell ya
6) On The Good as Element or an Operator
Now in the Universe there exists just matter (chemical) that seems to be influenced by the edges of Reality, which are held together holistically by Supreme Mathematics.
The human mind, through chemistry, can condense and purify the mathematical by canceling out the chemical (this is just an illusion, without chemical there wouldn’t be a human mind). A human that thinks they have access to math, and thus the Universe’s control center, may think that they can do with the Universe as they Will. By mapping their non-trivial elements to other non-trivial elements in an attempt to do something or other. I dunno
The question is are humans operators to any degree and if so can they alter the operation? or are humans trivial elements that allows them to act in non-trivial ways? or vice versa?
Ya dig?