Betsy Calabaza
5 min readMar 20, 2019

Sociatal Collapose: On Quantum Mechanics

But remember not a game new under the sun

Everything you did has already been done

I know all the tricks from Bricks to Kingston

  • Lauryn Hill

I recall, cause I really been there before

  • Jay Z

UFOs like, who need a ride?

  • Big K.R.I.T.

This is pseudoscience and not to be taken literally. But there is something to it.

This is about holism. When thinking about holism, it’s like a balloon.

In physics, they talk about “fields.” This is where the bullshit starts; the links lead to actual scientific research. This is just using science horribly and how it’s not supposed to be used as an example of something else.

We are calculators that depend on the effect to know the conclusion. Even though we think the definition of these words are in the past, they’re actually in the present way before we get to them.

When we were little, we would mimic what other people did. In part, because we could. But also because it’s part of our programming. We’re programmed to learn what we learn. Which seems like we don’t have freedom. But freedom comes from mastering what one learns by using it to teach. Teaching being a form of learning whereby the learning is done through faith; that is to say to teach means to belief what you say is true. This “true”ness is reached by learning, which is a type of experience.

The way our consciousness moves towards the future is based on triggers. There is a very small chance you would be experiencing all these words right now if you had not learned them. This must have happened in the past (since you learned this in the past. But what you did in the past was learn how to react, or learn how to experience, these words. If you didn’t learn to experience these words the way I learnt, then you’ll be experiencing them differently but the phenomena you experience is the same in both circumstances.

In general there is only one shared experience. That we share this intimately, nothing is truer. That we experience experience uniquely is also as true. Experience seems to be eternal; the only limit is our imagination.

As our imagination realizes its place inside the domain of time, it realizes that the boundary of its adventure is limited only by its own willingness to participate in experience.

To participate in experience means to leave an impression in experience. You cannot get in the pool without creating at least some waves.

To leave an impression means to leave behind something you can experience. It’s like photosynthesis.

Through the creativity-aspect of impression, the participation of imagination within experience feeds itself as its imagination transforms impression into experience. The same eternal experiences that hosts all of us collectively.

Experience is thus an integral element into the holistic nature of the “self;” with the main operator being found in the brain. “Where does the brain collectively send out the sensation” and “how” are a matter of biology. Which is a matter of chemistry and physics. Which are a matter of math. Which is a matter of a suped up chimpanzee brain.

That we can navigate identity and what it is together only testifies to the principles that repeat throughout the universe, in it’s unique iteration. We can somehow be in harmony in such a way as to share experience. But this can only done after an experience is had and defined. Defined through the impressions we share and came to identify experience with.

Don’t forget this is all bullshit

Wave function collapse

, in context to the fields of the universe, is an example of fields colliding and intermingling, thus creating a bigger singular field.

How does this work?

Interesting that I should bring up that question right at the point as I’m about to pivot towards a somewhat legible answer to it.

Let’s say this is the set of Arithmetic:

Arithmetic = [ ….1, 2, 3, -1, -2, -3, .05, +, -, x,…..]

Basically you can imagine this like a box full of number and math operators (+, -, =)

Now keep in mind that the universe is governed by abstract phenomena acting on the physical (chemical). We are just chemicals repositioning the abstract within our awareness through the chemical. Thus these words are made up of chemicals (regardless of how they’re being consumed by you), but they represent the abstract. Numbers and operators are the same thing.

So sets can be thought of as boxes. You reach in and you pull out some stuff:

Let’s say you reach in into the arithmetic box and take out: 2 86–58 + x 2.1 =

Now, you can analyze each element and operator but their value is in their function (pragmatism). How you put them in order and how you throw the numbers threw the systems (particular sequence of operators) directly tells us what the answer or product of such an operation entails.

The same is true of the elements and operators within Reality.

Me causing your mind to go haywire with all these words acting as elements and operators for your thoughts is evidence of the elements and operators within you.

You = […..elements and operators that define you…]

Insofar as you affect the elements and operators within the universe you can define yourself. It’s a type of freedom of being a variable.

The interesting this is that if I touch you (like I physically touch you), then all of the sudden that action enters into what define you. But you play a role in how this definition enter the toolbox you have to adjust Reality to however you see fit.


You = [ …. me touching you,…..]

“Me touching you” means something. What it means depends in the country we find ourselves in, the customs allowed, how the touching is generally perceived, etc. But the physical act of me touching you is not what you’re contemplating inside you. It’s the experience. These experiences are entangled but they’re of different kind.

The collapse of the wave function is closing off. A pragmatic visual of the boundaries of systems and how they become closed off. All of these words so far have cause a collapse of ideology with you. These words all have a definition and those definitions are hosted inside you.

It’s like you have 4 apples in front of you, the concept of 4 is entangled with the apples but you can create a numerical system where 4 distinct apples are entangled with the concept 8 or 12 or whatever.

The field is the entire universe, the product is divine experience.

Betsy Calabaza
Betsy Calabaza

Written by Betsy Calabaza

blooms — crazy rants masked as abstract experimental philosophy. s/o CS Peirce

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