“Thought” as Synonymous with Expression

Betsy Calabaza
2 min readAug 20, 2020

Used to mob with the drillers now we build with the builders

The plan is to have the bread stacked to the ceiling

Moving nice and neat, lord, we stuck to the script

  • Flee Lord

“Thought” synonymous with Expression

Absolutely no difference

What does thought express?

What does express express? Not the word. The phenomena

What is expression?

It’s the expression of something. Something established, accepted

The expression of an expression

An infinite regression

Stopped by an absolute relation

The relation is the expression of something

Repetition established identity.

Identity inherents relations

Relations establish cycles

Cycles establish platforms

Platforms for launching expressions

Inheritance becomes a concern..!

Ex - Press:

  • To press something. To pressure something out.
  • To pursue outwardly.

Autonomy becomes about the individual pressing and pursuing its own self. Capitalism replaces other people with money. Pressing and pursuing stops being a societal struggle and becomes an expression of absurd charity.

The charitable self, an absurd concept, establishes itself above others that expects to be a recipient of grace. All grace to God. All grace to the community.

Why hold back on expression when we possess the autonomy? Respect? Morality? Love? Fear?

Being as experience. Experience material use to establish.

Gadamer echoes Hegel, finitude based on a limited economy from inherent historicity. Inflation. Crash markets.

Alas! Our is history is approximately 14 billion years old, if time is to be intelligible, and primarily based on abstract indeterminate action. Any grounding is wandering! in the desert with the firm believe you’re in the right direction.

Do you change course at some point? When? Why?



Betsy Calabaza

blooms — crazy rants masked as abstract experimental philosophy. s/o CS Peirce